Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Pants for the boys.

Jack has torn holes in two pairs of pants at the knees, he refuses to wear them now so he has been 'surviving' on 3 pairs.  The kid needed some pants to give me a break, I couldn't keep up with keeping them clean as he plays pretty hard.  

I made him a pair of size 6 Sandbox pants.  He is still wearing his size 5 red convertible pair, but they were getting too short so I figured why not size up the waist too.

The last time I made them with buttons he wore them to death, popped off and lost the buttons, I expect these to be the same.  I did stitch the crap out of them, so maybe they will stay a little longer this time.  

I also made Sam a pair, because assembly line sewing is apparently my thing.  His are a size 12 month and I was so excited I was able to barely squeeeeeze these out of barely 20" of material.  I had this scrap left over from my Everyday Skirt that I held on to not quite sure if I would find something to use it for.

Baby toes.

Oh, and he is wearing his School Bus Tee too.

I added some orange buttons just because, I kind of love them.

Next up I have a stack of Puppet Show Shorts cut and ready for the sew-along.  Are you following the Size 5 project?  I am over on the Oliver + S blog talking about the shorts pattern and doing a sew-along, come sew with us!


  1. Great looking pants, and so practical! Those toes, cheeks, and cute orange buttons are just killing me!

  2. They look great! I love the teeny tiny ones.
