Recently the ladies behind FrancesSuzanne left me a comment saying they had nominated me for a Liebster. What is that again? So I clicked over and read the post, hm, that is was fun to get to "know" them a little better. Then I also got a comment from Ana Sofia also nominating me, and Cindy also was nominated recently. I admit, I wasn't going to bother with it at first, but it was pretty fun to read about these ladies that I always am admiring for their sewing, so I thought why not? So this next bit is pretty much just copied straight from Ana Sofia's blog:
So, some of you may ask (like I did, to be honest) what the Liebster Blog Award is. Well, this is what I found:
The Liebster Blog Award is an award given by bloggers to up and coming bloggers, most of whom have less than 200 followers (or have been blogging for less than 6 months). It is to show newer bloggers that they are appreciated, and to help spread the word about new blogs. It was created to promote appreciation and recognition among the blog world. Liebster translates to “dearest” (or favorite/best) in German. It is also known as the Love Blog Award.
Isn’t it awesome?!
I though so as well

But, as most things in life, there are a few rules to follow:
The Rules:
1. You must post 11 random things about yourself.2. Answer the questions that the nominator set for you (I got to answer to 11 questions times 2 as I got nominateed twice, lol).
3. Create 11 questions for the people you nominate.
4. Choose 11 new blogs you love and link them in your post.
5. Please leave me a comment on this post with the URL to your Liebster post so I can learn more about you!
And on to my part:
1. My first sewing machine was my husband's. That's right. He had one when we got married and that is what I learned on. It was the cheapest, most basic one he could find... Don't worry, I've upgraded:)
2. I live within a 1/4 mile of 6 relatives (6 different houses). Yes, we are crazy. Oh, and 2 more housesholds within a mile.
3. I can't function in the morning without a coke (zero, btw. I gave up my beloved Dr. Pepper aka Sweet Nectar of the Gods, but still need the caffiene.)
4. I like to spray paint. Everything.
5. Finding out I was pregnant with twins was the absolute biggest shock of my life. Totally came out of left field, though supposedly 5 generations back or so there was a set. Mine are fraternals, so they are the kind that "run in the family".
6. I was married young. As in a month shy of my 20th birthday.
7. I can't swim.
8. I went through many, many hobbies before I found Oliver + S, and have only been "seriously" sewing for a year (this month!). Previously I made simple things like elastic skirts and peasant dresses very sporadically, but now if I don't sew every few days I long for it!
9. I don't really like chocoalte. I mean, I'll eat it every now and then, but I am fine going without for months at a time.
10. I own like 20 pairs of shoes, but only wear 2 pairs... Maybe it is time to clean out the closet...?
11. Since my first pregnancy my eyes have gotten worse with each one, so I now wear glasses. I have a purple pair and a red pair. I really wanted the turquoise pair with red inside, but the frame was too small for my face...
Now, for their questions.
From FrancesSuzanne:
1. What are your top five ‘must-read’ blogs?
In no particular order: Nicole, Cindy, Oliver+S, Rae . Yes, that is only four... meh... I do read all that are on my blog roll as soon as they pop up with a new post:)
2. Do you have a phobia? And if so – what is it?
Yes. Heights. In fact, Ben tried to get me to go on the roof last month and I tried *so* hard, but started panicking about the fourth step...
3. What is your favorite fabric? This might be a certain designer’s look, or a particular style / texture you are drawn to....
I LOVE textures! Pretty much anything with a texture. And bright, bold colors.
4. What is your most tried and true pattern in your stash?
Hands down Rae's flashback skinny tee.
5. What is your dream job?
Doing hair. And turns out, I have been licensed for 10 years now. Though I was able to quit and stay home with the kids shortly before I became pregnant with the twins.
6. Share a tradition that you and your family enjoy.
For the 4th of July (which also happens to be my oldest's birthday) We always go to the lake during the day then to watch the fireworks we gather at Ben's grandfather's home to eat pizza and catch the show. He lives a few blocks from the park that shoots them off.
7. Name one thing sewing-related that you haven’t tried…but want to learn how to do.
Okay, so I have tried a zipper once, but I really want to master them.
8. What is your favorite month of the year and why?
I like March/April... yes, that is two months, but somewhere in there we usually get our two weeks of spring for our town and it is glorious.
9. If you had the opportunity to do a guest post, what series would you want to participate in….or, on which site would you like to guest post?
I am a scaredy cat, so probably none. I think it would be too much stress, ha! In fact it kinda was, Liesl asked if I would write a post for the Secret agent trench I modified and I thought I was going to pee my pants, ha! She ended up just linking to my blog, but that worked for me.
10. Where do you get your sewing inspiration (be specific – for example: a particular pinterest board, blog, children’s retail, etc.)?
I do have an inspiration pinboard, but mostly I find inspiration in every day situations, I have been known to snap a picture of items or color combos at the store, or quickly jot down notes when I see a kid wearing something I like. Ya know, since it would be super creepy to take a picture of some random kid... Ben teases me that I am probably the only person who goes to TJMAXX or Kohl's just to take pictures of clothes.
11. What has been your greatest “sewing find” to date?
Quite honestly, Oliver + S. Just before the twins were born I decided I wanted to start sewing seriously and bought too many pdfs online, and just was never happy with the result, I even tried to be like the cool kids and draft my own from a piece of clothing already in the closet. Fail. Many, many fails. Then I finally just decided to just give them a try and purchased the digital puppet show. When I opened the file it was love at first sight, so incredibly detailed and there were actual measurements, not just "6m".
From Ana Sofia:
1. When did you realise that blogging was an important part of your life?
I keep a personal blog for our family as a journal as I can never remember to write in mine. I tried to keep a sewing journal on paper... and it was pretty much the same story. In my posts I try to remember to write the exact changes I made for easy reference.
2. What’s your favorite blog post (from you or others) ?
I think I enjoyed Rae's knit series most of all, in fact, I am pretty sure I learned more from that than any other post (or series of posts). Reading through it (combined with the hopscotch pattern) gave me the confidence to sew with knits. While I still prefer to sew cottons and the like, the big kids much prefer the things made in knit. One day we were at my in-law's and Ben pulled back the tag on one of the twin's hopscotch tops and said "You made this?! Wow! It looks store bought!" Meaning, to him things made in cotton seem homemade being the stores don't sell as much cotton clothing as they do knit. Thanks?
3. What do you see yourself blogging five years from now?
I hope to still be blogging about my adorable children and the clothes I make them... assuming they still want my clothes in 5 years:)
4. What’s your favorite childhood memory?
My Dad worked a lot but each summer we were able to head "up north" and visit our family (we were the only ones "in the south"), which meant sleepovers with cousins and a trip to the dinky theme park. My cousins and I were big in to boondoggle for a while, and in fact, Abby just brought one home from school and it was fun to be able to teach her how to do it!
5. What did you wanted to be when you’re growing-up?
A hair stylist. Dream accomplished:)
6. Do you have a favorite life quote?
No... is that horrible?
7. Are you a morning person (or a night owl)?
Oh most definitely a night owl. Ben thinks it is hilarious to try to get me out of bed in the morning.
8. What do “feed” your creativity?
I like to have a little bit of time set aside each day to either "research" my next project, ie if it is a specific pattern I search flickr groups and blogs for feedback or just surf the 'net for ideas in general. I am lucky enough to have a closet that my machines are set up in so I can sneak in a seam or two every now and then. I like to "reward" myself, like do the dishes then complete a step in my project. :)
9. Name your favorite fabric designers/collections ever?
I don't think I have one... I tend not to pay that much attention to designers names, I gravitate more towards colors.
10. What’s the best advise you ever got?
It's okay to have a messy house as long as your children are happy and healthy.
11. What do you expect to accomplish in 2013?
I hope to make clothes that are not only cute (in my eyes) but that my kids want. My goal is to make 75% of their wardrobe, being there are four of them that might be a challenge!
And I shall follow in Cindy's footsteps in not nominating anyone and be a rebel and a rule breaker too... also because most of the blogs I read have already been nominated... and I am not sure I follow 11! ha! Now you know more about me than you probably wanted to:) And if you got through all that, WOW, you deserve an award!
Congratulations:) I love all your sewing projects..very inspirational!
ReplyDeleteThat is so sweet, thank you!
DeleteFun! I love these peeks into each other's lives.:) I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who really isn't into chocolate. Most people think I'm nuts! And you can't swim? Any particular reason why?
ReplyDeleteIt's fun, isn't it? I just never learned as a kid and all the pools around here are 5ft or less. Well, besides the lap pool, but I am always with the kids. And I got bit by a fish at Lake Powell one year and it has made me nervous to go in the lake again, ha!
DeleteWe're so glad that you chose to participate!! Your work is always phenomenal..... Zippers and knits are on our 'to do' list for 2013. Can't wait to see all your children's wardrobes - well, 75% of them - in the upcoming year!
DeleteHonoured to be mentioned you sweet girl!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lot we have in common,Hairdresser,sugar free cola(blush),not into choccies,twins....I just need to get you hooked on Tim.
xx N